Thundering Water

Gushing gurgling thundering power
with a flow that turns corners
And spills out a spirit that
Can’t be constrained
Bubbling out of a vessel
Hand picked with curious delight
By the Master
who sees past the dark
Stains of yesterday
Over the mess of stop start
And stop again
because this bubbling
This roaring bath of living water erased the
Imprint of dirt stamped by the woes of life
Cleared the cloudy vision of mistrust
And reckless living

This water frees me
Heals me
Calls out to me
And lets me know
There is more so much more

It keeps coming as I keep moving
With the water that rises and spills
Out of me that rises and takes me
Higher and higher like an edifice
Reaching to a crystal sky
Higher to where hope finds
My desperate reach

Too high for darkness high enough
For light to flood my heart
And live there
This Rushing flow of living water
I drink you as I breathe
Gurgling bubbling roaring
Thundering words that caress my ears
And anchors the bottom of my soul
Gurgling bubbling roaring
Higher and higher I go
Chains of fear unlocked
Can tear me away
From You

Copyright 2015 Debra Garner